Friday, January 27, 2012

Rehearsals Rehearsals

So we're cast, and we've had 4 rehearsals so far. Quartermaine's Terms is Such a lovely play. So well written, so clever and funny and sad and poignant. Auditions were good, although next time I think I'll demand that only the Exact Number of Perfect People come along so that we don't have to turn anyone down, or rather not be able to offer them a part. Really everyone read so well it's hard to choose, but choose we had to and I'm really happy with the cast. We're so lucky in LPP to have a pool of talented folk who like to audition for our plays, as well as talented New Folk who want to come along and join us. Hopefully our rehearsals will be full of fun as well as getting the work done. At the moment we're just plotting out the play and getting a feel for the shape of it. Already there are some lovely things happening so I'm happy, very happy.

Charles is also planning a Valentine themed evening to raise funds for the continuing rebuilding of Haiti on February the 11th which is shaping up nicely. I'm sure he's still looking for people to help out so contact him if you're available. And if you have a Love themed piece (any aspect) then tell him about it and he might still be able to fit you in. And if you can't help out beforehand, and you don't want to be In it, then buy a ticket for only €7.50 and come along. For just that amount you get entertainment And delicious snacks in the interval And it will probably be finished around 10pm leaving plenty of time for you to Go Out (for the young people), Go Home and Get a Reasonably Early Night (for the slightly older people) or Go Home and Drop Into Bed Exhausted (for the folk with young children). Marvelous.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Quartermaine's Terms by Simon Gray


Auditions for the Spring Play are on Thursday 12th Jan in the Rehearsal Room at 8:00 p.m.
Quartermaine's Terms by Simon Gray.
4/5M; 2/3F. A smaller cast this time – give wardrobe a breather – a wonderful, wonderful play.
Likely performance dates 29/30/31 March.

The committee is also putting together a Valentine’s Celebration Concert, we will be auditioning for that too – song, drama, verse and prose celebrating love in all its guises and disguises. Likely performance dates 10th 11th and/or 14th February.

Email Charles for more details, or contact us through the website, or leave a comment...
Hope to see you there.

A Chorus of Disapproval

Better late than never...