Thursday, October 18, 2007

All Hail The Birthday Boy

Evening all,

Alan celebrated his birthday yesterday, and so for a special treat we let him take on the role of Sybil tonight... he has been aching to do this for ages! Wouldn't it be great to see him in a gymslip....steady girls!! Anyway Happy Birthday, me old mucker!

A big welcome to Maria, who came down tonight and was thrown in at the deep end by reading in for some of the many people who were absent.... I hope we didn't frighten you too much Maria, and we'll see you again next week. Charles is playing a blinder at locating all these beautiful young women....what's his secret????

Just have to mention Irene....what a prima donna....there she is blatantly complaining about how she wants bigger parts in the play. Your parts are more than adequate Irene, despite someone's kind offer to increase them.

Diane, did my research on your birthday song... and it's either You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive (early March) or Easy Lover by Phil Collins and Philip Bailey (late March) take your pick! Mine was Green Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones, Alan's was Those Were The Days by Mary Hopkin, Noeleen's was My Ding A Ling by Chuck Berry, Caroline's was Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor..... if anyone else wants to know their song, just send me your date of birth!

Finally guys, I don't want to scare you, but we're begnning to count down the days. So let's all make an effort to get to as many if not all of the rehearsals and really back each other up! There are too many parts being read in and wonderfully talented as the readers are, it does upset the flow of the piece. I don't just want this production to be good, it has the potential to be great!!! So let's really kick on in the next few weeks!!

Finally Finally,
Some things that have been on my mind.....
If all the world's a stage, where are the audience sitting?
Why isn't there mouse-flavoured cat food?
How come super glue doesn't stick to the tube?
What's the speed of dark?
Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?

Ah isn't the world a wonderful place? Must toddle off to bed and snuggle down with my hot brick wrapped in a blanket, I have to be up at the crack of noon!



p.s. Congrats to Michelle on her Graduation Night! Well done me darling girl!
p.p.s. Trixie, Trixie, Trixie!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Is This The Way To Amarillo?


Where does the time go? It's been so long since the last blog, I do apologise. Isn't it sad when things like work get in the way of important things like blogging!

I hope you all enjoyed the Grangewood Table Quiz the other night! Congratulations to our winners, Miss Gibson, Miss Granville and Mr Scoblowski. Their encylopedic knowledge of all things Grangewood and Leeson Park stood them in good stead for all those tricky questions. The singing performances were also a joy to behold, Your Song was sung with elegance and passion, Yellow Submarine was sung with childlike exuberance, 500 Miles was sung with embellishment and eccentricity, and Amarillo was sung with enthusiasm and joy. A big shout out to Darragh and Sean for adding so much to the evening with their musical talent. It was a great night... and perhaps we should do it again sometime as a Leeson Park evening? Although maybe we shouldn't have a food fight the next time. Chalres nearly took Alan's head off with that can of coke!!!

Well now it's time to get serious. The team building, relationship forming and group bonding has been a huge success, but now we need to get down to the important task of producing a play! So it's no more Mr Nice Guy!!! From now on it's Mr Don't Mess With Me Guy or perhaps Mr You Better Know Your Lines Guy or perhaps Mr I Better Not Miss Any More Reherasals Guy or perhaps Mr Strangely Attractive In A Weird Sort Of Way But I Can't Put My Finger On It Guy.

Until next time, adieu..... (Hello Trixie!)

Love and Pringles (Original Flavour, the shop didn't have Sour Cream & Onion),


Thursday, October 04, 2007

The "G" Men

Sorry, I haven't blogged for nearly a's been crazy at work this week....yes, I do work occasionally, I don't just spend my time making up cryptic music clues... By the way congratulations to Alan on getting last weeks teaser. The clue was something like; Andre Previn likes to vacuum with the lights off. And the answer was Orchestral Manouevres (Man Hoovers..Get it?!) In The Dark.

There will be more puzzling to be done at tonight's rehearsal!!!

And so to the "G" men. If you watched the documentary about Michael Collins on Tuesday night, you may have noticed a cleanshaven Mr Thompson and a limpless Mr Scoblowski working for the British Government in Dublin in about 1919. This completely blows their cover of being lost at sea and escaping from Russia. They are obviously deep undercover spies and are now hiding out in Grangewood School. Ah yes the "G" men in Grangewood. And "G" for Gibson and Granville. It's obviously a hotbed of recruitment for the Secret Services. So all these challenges that Daisy faces are her training for a future role in killing bad guys with huge underground lairs, giant lasers and evil plans for world domination. Perhaps she should start drinking martinis now!

I know Diane reads this blog religiously looking for mention of Trixie...sorry, nothing today...

Must Scooterons,

Tonight my lovelies,
