Monday, August 14, 2006

AGM September 7th

The Annual General Meeting is to be held on September the 7th this year in Wesley House, Leeson Park. This is a meeting for Members and is where the committee for the next year will be elected. The officers (Treasurer and Secretary) for 2005/6 will present their reports and the officers for 2006/7 will be elected. Other items of interest and importance to the Players will be discussed and sometimes decided upon. It is also the start of a new Membership year and therefore membership fees are due from that meeting. At the moment membership fees are €15 per member or €25 per household... a Bargain I'm sure you'll agree. It's really not the place for people Thinking of joining to attend as there won't be any drama going on - other than the debates on policy if there are any! The Auditions for the next play will probably be the following Monday for a play directed by Adrian Chapman and is most likely to be The Memory of Water by Shelagh Stevenson. more about that later.

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