Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Juno notes 1

Well, here goes, my first attempt at a blog. (second actually, first failed in cyberspace!)
I'm afraid they won't be as poetic or descriptive as my predecessor, purely functional!
Rather than mailing cast and crew any important notices in relation to the rehearsals/ production will be posted here.

Rehearsals are well underway and everyone is up moving, singing, and hopefully having fun. Some lovely characters are beginning to emerge already.

I have inserted scene breaks into the script to aid rehearsals and create discrete parts which can be rehearsed as we see fit. If you don't have these marked in your script, they'll be up on the wall at rehearsals, and check with Aine - script supervisor - for exact details.

Thursday the 18th is Act 2, scenes 3 & 4 and Act 3.
Scene 3 is where Joxer and Maisie Madigan join the party.
So, if you are on during or after that scene please be with us on Thursday.

Everyone is welcome to all rehearsals even if you are not 'on' and I'd hope that everyone will be familiar with the whole play regardless of what role they are playing.

As with Monday we will focus on the interaction between characters as opposed to 'blocking', the following Monday we will do Act1 and the first half of Act 2 again - and we will pull out a scene to play with....

Sarah Jane will be taking the rehearsals on Thursday the 25th and Monday the 29th, and then we'll have a full schedule of rehearsals for you all.

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