Friday, February 23, 2007

Play Reading Evening Tonight!

One of the highlights of the LPP social calendar is Tonight. The Play Reading Evening is an LPP tradition, held in one of our members houses (thank you Jean and Garrett, again) it's a gathering of people who like a bit of ad hoc drama. We do short excerpts from several plays for each others entertainment. We don't learn the pieces, we Read them (hence play Reading evening) and utilise a few props, either brought along with forethought or grabbed from Jean's kitchen, and perhaps a hat or two. There is an interval to enable the audience and players (they're the same thing) to Refresh themselves and there is a Pot Luck Supper which is generally Very Lucky indeed - especially if you're at the end of the table with Maud's dropped scones. The pieces are chosen in advance by kind volunteers and distributed to the Players a few days in advance. So, if you're a member I hope you are signed up with Charles and are reviewing your script(s) to wow us all with your brilliance. I'm looking forward to it!

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