Tuesday, March 09, 2010

It Runs in Family rehearsals

Well, we're halfway there I think and rehearsals have never been anything less than hilarious. It's going to be absolutely hysterical. My only worry is that the audience will all be laughing so much they'll fall off their chairs en masse. Do we have the number for the St John's Ambulance?
I'm very excited that we're all Books Down from Thursday. It can really start to move and get a feel for the shape of it once that happens - and I can sort out (hopefully) some of the dodgy moves and groupings that are happening when lots of people are on stage together. Got to get rid of the semi-circle! Once the books go too it's easier to get a hold of your character and I'm looking forward to seeing people develop.
Must mention too that the PLAY READING EVENING is on the 19th of March. If you haven't heard from us and would like to come along let me know in the comments or email the hon sec. It's normally a wonderful, fun evening and is sure to be a successful social opportunity for the society and a great place to showcase your dramatic ability if you haven't tread the boards with us yet - with no pressure and no need to learn lines.
Now, I'm off to order a Matron's uniform. If anyone has a spare hospital trolley we could borrow let me know. One that folds up small would be nice.

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