Monday, August 16, 2010

And Next we have...

It's almost September! Can you believe it??
We have a brand new sparkling play from Charles Richards to perform for the Autumn play. It's an adaptation of the novel by Nancy Mitford called The Pursuit of Love and we'll be performing it on November the 25th, 26th and 27th. Auditions on Monday the 6th of September in Wesley House at 8pm. We need 6 men and 6 women, and there probably will be some doubling of parts so hopefully lots of fun stuff for all involved. Charles will be directing with an assistant.
We'll also need all the other important folk for costume, set design, props, script supervisor, lighting... Please come along if you're interested in any of that or email us through the website or leave a comment...

Also our AGM will be on Thursday the 2nd of September. If you're a member come along. The secretary and treasurer report on the year just gone and we elect the new committee for 2010/11. Also the annual subscription will be due and you can pay the treasurer on the night. Starts at 8pm in Room 1 (usually) in Wesley House.

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