Friday, October 13, 2006

Directors Notes - Issue 4

Special thanks today to Siobhan, who not only read in Mary’s part last night but did it with aplomb and enthusiasm. So good in fact, that I might get all the cast to read somebody else’s part at future rehearsals.

Books down went quite well, with top marks going to Susannah for not only knowing most of her lines but introducing a number of previously unseen facial expressions as she desperately strove to recall a word from the inner sanctums of the mind. As Theresa would say “You have a vacant one, a screwed up eye-balls one, a thousand yard stare one and a “I’m foreign and don’t understand these words anyway” one.” Whatever helps you remember your lines is good for me.

I should also pay tribute to Alan’s miming techniques as he acted out Theresa’s lines in an effort help Susannah’s memory. It brings a whole new meaning to prompting. It also shows that despite my best efforts, Stanislavski techniques are sneaking into rehearsals. I blame Noeleen!

Onwards to Monday and books down for Act 2. This is when Charles’ playwriting skills will come to the fore as he will completely re-write his part by saying the first words that come into his head. If he could do it to Wilde, then Sheelagh Stephenson’s work is not safe!

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