Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Directors Notes Issue 6

Very giddy rehearsals last night, which may have been caused by me having a beer beforehand. You can’t beat alcohol for bringing some life to proceedings. This reminds me that we have to get the Whiskey bottle into play soon. Inebriation causes most of the dark secrets to emerge in this play and so the Whiskey bottle is such a strong character that it deserves mention in the cast list and to have it’s photograph displayed on the welcome board on opening night. At least we know it won’t go running to Craig to have some photo-shop touching up done!

The bottle goes on a drunken odyssey across the stage, that both Homer the Greek and the resident of Springfield would be proud of. Like some ancient relic, it gets caressed by each of the cast members in turn until it ends up on Vi’s coffin. Not sure how many of the audience will get this, but isn’t that the joy of theatre? So I’m going to spend this bank holiday weekend finishing off a bottle of Jameson so I can provide a prop for next week’s rehearsals.

It all comes back to alcohol. Oh and hash cookies, but more of that anon!

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