Friday, September 28, 2007


Some lovely moments at rehearsal last night.... Trixie appearing from under the bed, Alice trying to play hockey, Colette looking all innocent, and Mr Thompson sneaking around like the devil incarnate!

Well done to Sybil and Belinda (Joan and Caroline) for winning the school cryptic music quiz. Your prizes of red wine and club orange were well merited. If anyone can guess this one by Monday, "Andre Previn vacuums without the lights on"... they will win a drink for their troubles.

Other things on my mind today...... What was Irene really doing in Wexford????? Does Diane really need to go to the Gym with all the exercise she gets at rehearsal?? Why did Rachel have pink fluffy socks backstage at Midsummer Nights Dream anyway?? And shouldn't we just move the rehearsals out to Greystones seeing as half the cast live out there?

Anyway, got to go...will leave you with today's joke....

There are three types of people, those who can count and those who can't!

Bye bye,

Love and half time oranges!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Director,

Lest you think that you're blogging into a vacuum, I've just enjoyed reliving our first month of rehearsals and will be keeping up with your blog religiously from here on out...especially if I can win stupendous prizes by solving clever riddles. Play up and play the game as we say!

Miss Gibson