Tuesday, September 18, 2007

So Much Talent, So Few Parts

Hello all,

Your new Director here.... or Felicity as I like to be called in the privacy of my own home on a Friday evening. It's being a while since I directed for LPP. An Inspector Calls in 1999 was the last time, but I am so happy to be back. I was stunned by the turnout at the auditions, and even more stunned by the amazing talent available. Usually in AmDram, with a cast of this size, we are begging people to get involved, whereas turning exceptionally good actors away was unfortunate, but I hope the unlucky ones will return to us again someday.

I'm extremely pleased with the cast that I have, and after three rehearsals things are moving along nicely. It's great to have the experienced Leeson Parkers, like Alan, Jackie and Carol along for the ride, as well as the enthusiastic, talented Newbies.

As for the play, it should be a romp... if we can apply the energy and fun in the rehearsal room on to the stage, the audience are in for an enjoyable evening.

See you all on Thursday and don't forget your Pyjamas!!!!


p.s. Things we learned this week......

The play is full of innuendo....or is that just Alan?
Jackie knows loads of old songs....
Sybil has no real friends.....
Miss Gibson was a Grangewood girl.....
Hockey is the cure of all the world's ills....
Winnie Irving is full of spunk.......

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