Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Feasting On The Second Years!

How good was last night's rehearsal? I'll tell you, it was great! We're about 75% of the way there. And over the next 6 rehearsals we'll extract that last 25%. The secret of course is to guide the play and make sure that it peaks on opening night and then sustains for the final two performances. We don't want a situation wherby we're moaning at being either under-rehearsed or over-rehearsed! It feels like we're on the right track with everything; characterisations, lines, relationships, chemistry, movement, stagecraft, set-pieces, singing, dancing, props, costumes, lighting, set-design etc, etc.

On Thursday we will go through Act One and sort out any problems that arise. We will also go through the Cliff Top rescue, the Gay Gordons and the choir entrances. And the plan then would be to have full run throughs on Monday and Thursday!

Back to last night.... Michelle's Jesus, Mary & Joseph expletive had to be the comic timing event of the year. She says it was accidental, hopefully she will accidentally do it like that every night! And as for "feasting on the second years"? Enough said! Joan and Colette are going to bring the house down with their double act, so funny last night. I loved the cliff top rescue scene, there was literally excellent support from Dora, Belinda and Winnie!!! Irene is putting in a tour de force as Daisy. It's only when you let scenes run fully through that you realise how much she has to do! She will be drained by the end of it. I think we'll have to get Matron to dose her up on some cod liver oil! Wonderful to have Trixie back last night. Her vitality and energy add so much to the performance. The teachers are doing a fantastic job as is Mr Thompson. There was some wonderful work being done during the hockey match...yes I did notice! And how amazing is Sarah Jane....you just don't know where she's going to pop up next!

Finally, I just want to say how proud I am of all of you so far.....but don't get complacent..... we will work so hard over the next two and a half weeks to make sure that we give ourselves and our audience the most wonderful show!!

Anyway, must go, I have prep to do!


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